Monday, March 29, 2010


Last Wednesday was Payton's last soccer class until the new session in a few weeks. She loves it, despite being the only girl in the class:)

Paige usually loves watching her sister but that day all she wanted to do was to stand up and plop down, over and over again!

Saturday Payton had a Birthday Party for a classmate at Pump it Up! ( Numerous inflatable jumpy houses inside a huge Warehouse, then pack you in a room and serve some pretty nasty Pizza, but the kids LOVE it!) Payton had a blast, Paige not feeling well just clung to me the whole time, Karl was working so she had to come along...

Payton and one of her best Buddies, Maiy!

The girls are starting to play so well together! I LOVE it!
I just had to post these because I love them. We had spaghetti the other night, Paige was a little messy, then she decided to play peek a boo before she was done. Total MESS, went straight to the bath after that meal!

Where is the seat cover you ask? I have pretty much given up on it, it needs washed after every meal. If I dont take it off, Roxy comes and "cleans" it, which in the end makes it even dirtier... To be honest I am pretty much over the high chair all together and think it will be gotten rid of and replaced with a seat at the table soon!

Well Checks

The Girls had their well checks last Monday, Payton's 4 year and Paige's 13 mos. They both looked great! Happy and Healthy Girls!

Payton: 34lbs & 38" tall

Payton is :

writing her first and last name, copying and recognizing all letters, learning more and more numbers, She loves to "read" books to me, loves drawing and coloring & riding her bike.
She loves "helping" Mommy and Daddy with anything and everything!
She has taken on a new role caring for our Dog Roxy. She recently asked if "feeding Roxy could be her responsibility" (yes, those were really her words). She feeds her twice a day, lets her in and out to go outside, and had to be present at all of her recent Vet visits (yes visitS, more on that later).

Paige: 16lbs 6oz (still our peanut) & 28 1/2" tall

Paige is :
walking more and more with the assistance of her shopping cart, she is standing up all by herself without pulling up on anything, I swear she said (while crying in the middle of the night, also more on that later) I wan Mama! (Melt my heart) Her second front tooth is officially through giving us a total of 5 teeth now!

After the girls had their checkup they got their shots. I hate when they get shots, I just get this uneasy feeling about it all. Anyways they both did great with that until about 1 am, Paige woke up SCREAMING and would not stop, nothing would console her. While I was on the phone with the Dr at 7 am to get Paige a apt. Payton wakes up and immediately starts throwing up. Really? Both at once?? So back to the Dr we went... why? They really cant do much, but while we were there, she noticed Paiges ears were red, but it could have been because she was crying so much hmmm?). She also had some wax so the Dr told me to give her wax drops and see how the week goes. Of course the rest of the week was OK until Fri night, same story, screaming HIGH fever... So Sunday I took Paige back to be treated for a ...double ear infection. Poor thing had been suffering all week. She is now on her meds and slept from 8pm until 7:30 am (Hallelujah!) As for Payton she threw up twice, broke her fever and was good to go. Who knows where that came from? I am just glad that week is over ;)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I "Heart" Thursdays

TRust me there are thousands of things I love, number one being my happy healthy girls, my amazing husband and my family but this week here are a few more things I LOVE...

I LOVE Thursdays because I am off work and I get to spend all day with Paige and get to pick Payton up at lunch time so we can have a lunch date!

I LOVE the fact that my Husband is so dedicated to his job and for providing for us and his family's Co. He has been working late daily and every Saturday for the last month. (Almost over, can't wait to have him back!) And he NEVER complains. I love him!

I LOVE free stuff! Last week while grocery shopping we got a $20 Kohls coupon. I am not a Kohls shopper and instantly thought it was one of those "spend $100 get $20 off" but no it was $20 towards anything. I told my mom and she had gotten one too so today we went. I was thinking maybe some easter decorations or picture frame... Well, I didnt know they had a bunch of toys too. So Payton got 2 gifts for a friends Bday party this weekend, my mom got Payton a Dr.'s kit (they just had their checkups so she is into it) and I got a Easter table runner, all for..... FREE! Well, we had to pay $1.33 but my mom paid it so for me FREE!

I LOVE the girls new Easter outfits! Payton got a dress while I opted for pants and a top for Paige since she is STILL crawling around. She would have gotten tangled in a dress and skinned her knees. I think I will take them to see the bunny this weekend!

I LOVE my life, couldn't ask for anything more!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Queen is Crowned!

The 2009 Queen

Saturday night we went to the Rowell Ranch Rodeo Queen Contest. Karl's dad is on the RRR Board and their Company was a sponsor for the dinner so we attended (not a usual event for us;). It is a dinner with a live band and dancing and at the end of the night they reveal the new Rowell Ranch Rodeo Queen. I wasn't sure what to expect since this was our first time but Payton , and Paige actually, had a BLAST! Payton being told that these girls were "Queens" was awe struck! She got their autographs and danced with them ALL NIGHT! Let me just say there was a lot of Leather to be worn that night haha!

These were the centerpieces on the tables made by a local man. Once they announced they were for sale, I quickly told Payton's Grandpa how cute that would be in his Grandaughter's Pony room! And this is what we brought home!
Paige loved "dancing" too!

The Girl in the bottom right hand corner was crowned the new RRR Queen.

Payton's Red Cowboy boots still fit her (not for much longer though) from last years Birthday Pony Party. And I found Paytons cowboy boot shirt and pony sweater (one of my FAVORITE things she wore) from when she was 1 and it fit Paige perfectly!

And my favorite...

Aw, Payton looks so Angelic...right!

Spring is Here!

Spring is here and I love it! I finally got my toes done so I can wear all those flip flops that have been neglected all winter! (I will admit it, I am anal and will not put them on until my toes are done, even if its 100 degrees out ;)Karl mows the laws faithfully every weekend (I swear he treats them like a third child) and Payton is always right there "helping", until the blower comes out, then she heads inside haah! But today Karl really let her help push the mower! She was sooo excited, the smile on her face was priceless! I told her she better watch out or Daddy will start putting her to work!

It has been about 75 degrees this past week so we have spent a lot of time outiside. My friend is training for a Marathon and asked if we wanted to join her and her son Jack for a walk at Lake Chabot. It was great, with the exception of Payton having a meltdown halfway through and us having to jerry-rig her bike onto my stroller and her riding in the underbasket of Vanessa's stroller, ugh, I definetely should have had the camera for that one! But we did 4 miles and are going again this wednesday!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St Patrick's Day!

And Paige a year ago...I actually made the girls matching shirts and bows, I had been wanting to make them something for months (since I got my new sewing machine) and FINALLY found the time... And for you Sarah, I make the cards on scrapblog (my sis in-law got me hooked) so easy and mostly free!

My Big Girl Payton!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Turtle Crossing

Today was so nice out we spent most of the afternoon outside. We live on a "court" so I pushed Paige in the stroller while Payton rode her bike. At the end of the court is a large house with a large piece of property where they house a Turtle rescue (wierd I know). We have known it was there since we met the neighbors when we moved in but had never seen it. The owner was out front as we were passing by so he asked if we wanted to check it out! As you go throught the gate to get the turtles there are stacks of produce boxes lining the wall. The owners have a contract with Safeway where they pick up all expired produce, I thought that was neat, rather than wasting all that food. Anyways the owner spoke to us like we were on a "official" tour rambling off facts etc. The only one I can remember is that they house over 200 turtles....really? We only saw a hand full as they are still coming out of hibernation. Payton got to feed them apples and knock on their shells. He even offered to put Payton on their shells to go for a ride, which she gracously declined ;) So our little walk turned into something even more enjoyable!