He Is wearing 0-3 months clothes, only a few NB still
Size 1 Diapers
Parker loves to sleep! He is just starting to stay awake for longer stretches now. He has his fussy time from 8-10pm, I would like to blame it on gas/pooping issues but it is pretty consistent every night. He usually has a good 3-4 hour stretch of sleep the first half of the night, after that maybe every 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. Then another BIG stretch from 8-11ish. He LOVES sleeping on my chest and if I let him would do it all day long! He loves laying on the floor watching his sisters play and has recently started cooing and smiling at them. He LOVES our ceiling fan and headboard in our room. He just stares at it and smiles with his eyes! I remember both the girls doing the same thing! He loves bath time and has never fussed during it, I think it relaxes him.
He dislikes his car seat (when he is first put in it), I am convinced he doesn't like his bassinet either because he doesn't sleep the best in it. He wont take a Pacifier dispite my on going attempts! Which in the long run will be easier ;)
During his first month he has been to many parties, out to dinner, and even went to his first A's game on his one month birthday! He has been such a trooper through our active days!
Over all he is a good baby boy who brings us such joy! Definitely completes our family!